Joakim Ahlström

I discovered that my superpower is the ability to uncover hidden abilities and forge connections among people. I believe that true collaboration is achieved when the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts.
In my journey, I’ve witnessed how holding ourselves back, often unconsciously, hampers our collective strength and limits our opportunities.
By mirroring individuals without judging them, acknowledging that nothing is inherently good or bad, right or wrong and by helping to untap hidden potentials, I’ve learned how to unlock superpowers in others.
Yet, embracing these powers can be daunting, and many tend to shy away from taking action. However, whether we accept them or not, these powers reside within us. That’s why, alongside my friends at Real8, I believe in the capabilities of teams and individuals to make a significant impact on the world.
When I offer my support, I do so with love, respect, and sincerity, focusing on the future. Afterall true self-realisation can only occur when individuals feel safe and supported and when we effortlessly take ownership of the collective vision and connect to our personal leadership.
Ultimately, my gift lies in cultivating the kind of collaboration that unleashes collective potential and fosters personal growth.